We haven't posted at This Week in Zionism for a few weeks and while I can't speak for all of our contributors, it's safe to say we're all feeling the same kind of way. There has been so much going on; so much pain, emotion, and anger, that I just need a little time to heal. So many times over the past month I've sat down and stared at a blank screen. I'll look a the notes and screenshots I've collected over the week and just get more despondent. But after a few weeks off, I'm ready to get back at it. So I'll start with the ten things that are currently occupying my mind at this moment.
1. The murder of the six hostages who were on the brink of rescue was completely devastating. Israel is fighting against pure evil.

2. We can argue over the negotiations and strategy of Israeli leadership, but every hostage still in Gaza, every murdered Israeli, 100% of the civilian death and destruction in Gaza is entirely caused by Hamas. Full stop.
3. The three deans of Columbia University who resigned after their antisemitic text exchange should not have stepped down. They should have been fired.
4. Hezbollah has been relentlessly bombing the northern part of Israel for months. They openly and proudly target civilians. They are burning the beautiful hills of the Golan. Where is the UN? Where are climate activists?
5. The protesters on college campus are becoming a caricature of themselves. They are now calling for not only the destruction of Israel, but the downfall of America. Compare the entitled Ivy league protesters who were upset that the university wouldn't feed them lunch while they were illegally occupying a building to the hostage who was starved in a tunnel for 10 months and weighed 79 pounds at the time of her murder.

6. Someone created a chart that measured the number of protests and encampments on college campuses compared to the price of tuition. The higher the tuition price, the more protests and encampments. This, my friends, is called entitlement.
7. Israel is fighting the war against radical islam on behalf of the entire western world. It would be nice if the world were appreciative and supportive instead of demonically judgmental.
8. The Talmud teaches that Jews who do not support other Jews, or share in the suffering of the Jewish community, are condemned to gehenna. The fact that Jews and even some rabbis align with antizionists is akin to the Jews who helped the Nazis.
9. I'm encouraged at the direction of the political parties when it comes to Israel. Both the Republican and Democratic conventions had moments to honor the hostages. Despite the bluster of the rhetoric of some of the members of each party, both have adopted platforms that are as pro-Israel as ever. And the recent local elections across the country have shown that antizionism is not only bad policy, it's bad politics. You can thank AIPAC for this.
10. Israel will live. When the history of this war is written, it will be noted that the IDF has gone above and beyond any reasonable expectation for a military operating in a civilian zone. Especially when we consider that their enemy hides in civilian clothes and in hospitals, schools, and mosques. History will note that Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE...etc, aided Israel in defense against Iran. Also, Israel was able to strike key targets in Tehran, Lebanon, Syria, all while those nations were on high alert. Any concern about Israel's readiness after October 7th is gone. And Israel's enemies fear her. Jewish determination is the strongest force on earth.